Thursday, May 23, 2013

15 Days: Time with Pnina

Pnina and I enjoy coffee in the back yard at the Coco Bar on 7th Avenue.  Nestled in to this space that is both open and shaded, we sit beneath a large umbrella and to our delight, find that a robin has built her nest in the umbrella.  

Our conversation flows easily, as we share what it means to us to be women in transition, making choices, seeking happiness.  We watch the bird fly back and forth and I think how much I complicate my life and how much I want both simplicity and fullness. 

Pnina then takes me to the community garden in her neighborhood, and we pass new graffiti art that's just been painted, and we sit under the canopy of leaves staying dry, as a sudden downpour drizzles rain all around us.

I leave Pnina in the garden, lost in her thoughts, and I walk away, grateful for this friendship that has blossomed over the past month.  She is a gift to me, with her kindness, her soft energy and her willingness to share and to be so open and vulnerable with her thoughts and her feelings.  I am in turn, as open with her, and I think that we are like two butterflies seeking tall, lush blades of grass that we can rest gently upon before we find our wings and once again take flight.

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